
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February Events

Our photo contest Tuesday night was fun! We have a lot of talented photographer-gardeners in our group and it was difficult to pick just two photographs to send to the district-wide competition. Congratulations to both Scott and Brinsley for their winning photos.

There are other exciting gardening-related events happening this month, including:

Feb. 8, 7pm: The Willamette Valley Hardy Plant Group is hosting Ed McVicker from the Portland Japanese garden. Ed will speak on "The Hillside Gardens of the Portland Japanese Garden."

Feb 21, 11am: Potting party! at Scott & Jen’s House, 34248 Garoutte Rd. This is our first potting of the year, in preparation of the May Plant Sale (our major fund raiser). Bring plants (if you have them) and come join us in dividing, potting, and marking perennials for the sale.

Feb 21, 7 pm: Avid Gardeners. Tom Fisher will speak on “The Tale Your Garden Tells.” Among other topics, Tom will talk about learning a whole new plant palette, adapting to a modified Mediterranean climate, becoming addicted to Pacific Coast irises, learning to love conifers, and weeding eleven months out of twelve. You can even sing along at the end.

Happy Gardening.

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