
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Firewise Gardening: May 7th Program

The Willamette Valley is known for its abundant rainfall and lush landscapes, but summer heat and the abundance of fuels can leave the valley just as vulnerable to wildfire as any other fire-prone area of the state. Especially this year, with the damage caused by the snow storm and heavy April rains.

Gardeners in Cottage Grove can decrease the potential for damage to their home and property by incorporating Firewise USA principles. These principles include maintaining a 30’ flammable-free area around the home and using fire-resistant plants in the landscaping. Fire-resistant plants are those with moist, supple leaves and low resin content. They are slow to ignite, slowing or stopping the spread of a fire. Fire-resistant, however, does not mean fireproof. All plants have the potential to burn if they are neglected.

On Tuesday, May 7, Cottage Grove Garden Club welcomes Kristin Babbs from Keep Oregon Green to talk about Firewise Gardening. Keep Oregon Green is a statewide association that has been educating the public on fire prevention for the past 75 years. This presentation will highlight the Firewise USA program, the need for defensible space, and the use of fire-resistant plants that thrive in the Willamette Valley’s weather conditions.

Kristin Babbs is the President and CEO of the Keep Oregon Green Association, where she develops partnerships and coordinates activities to help Oregon’s residents and tourists become aware and knowledgeable of their role and responsibility in the prevention of wildfires.

Ms. Babbs will talk about Firrewise Gardening to the Cottage Grove Garden Club on Tuesday May 7, at the First Presbyterian Church, 216 South 3rd Street (enter off the garden on 3rd Street). The Garden Club’s informal business meeting begins at 6p.m. and Ms. Babbs’ presentation begins at 7p.m. Guests and visitors welcome.

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