
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bzzzzzzz: Bees in the garden

The air is warming up, the rains are tapering, and the blossoms are out. Spring has sprung! So it's a natural time to think GARDENS. And to keep our gardens productive those blossoms need to be pollinated. One of the friendliest ways to do that is to keep bees near your garden. On Tuesday, May 7th, The Cottage Grove Garden Club will feature one of The Grove's own beekeepers, Jeanette Bailor.

Jeanette Bailor is an advocate for bees and a member of the Lane County Beekeepers Association.  Jeanette will give us an introduction to the common kinds of bees that are found locally; how to tell the difference between bees, wasps and hornets; and  how we can welcome them into our gardens with some examples of bee-friendly plants.

As always, this presentation is FREE and open to the public. The Garden Club meets at the First Presbyterian Church on the corners of 3rd and Adams. 6:00 pm is our business meeting, with refreshments following. The presentation begins at 7:00. Hope to see you there!