
Friday, June 8, 2012

A Willamette Adventure: 2012 District Flower Show

Barb's 2011 entry received
an Award of Merit.
“A Willamette Adventure” is the title of the 2012 District Flower, happening June 15-16 in Eugene. This flower show promises to be full of the very colorful flowers of June. Having been to my first flower show last year*, I encourage you to attend! I found it very enjoyable strolling amongst the flowers, seeing the many different types and kinds, and taking in the floral designs, garden art, and educational exhibits. (There is more information about the dates and times of the flower show here.)

I also encourage you to consider entering the flower show—several of our members did last year, and one (Barb) received an Award of Merit. For those of you, like me, who are unsure how to enter a flower show, I’ve created these following guidelines for submitting “horticulture” (a single cutting of a blooming flower, tree/shrub, or herb). Guidelines for submitting a floral design are somewhat different, please ask me for more information or consult the Flower Show Schedule. (For those of you with computer access, I found this video to be informative:

Entering a Flower Show:
  • Pick up a Flower Show Schedule (contact me for one)
  • Look through the schedule and see if you have any of the plants listed growing in your garden, for example, roses, columbines, peonies, petunias, magnolias, dianthus, or conifers, flowering trees & shrubs, or herbs. You must have been in possession of the plant for at least 90 days in order to enter it into the flower show.
  • The evening before the show, stroll through your garden and collect your favorite blooms and cuttings (look at both the bloom and the leaves of the stems you are cutting). Put into warm water in your garden, and then re-cut the ends when you come in before putting them into a bucket of deeper water, a preservative would be good too.
  • Groom each cutting, both stems and leaves: it is okay to pick off bad leaves if it won’t be noticeable, but don’t use any sort of “shine” or “leaf gloss”
  • Place the cutting in a clean, clear bottle (mark the bottom of the container with your name) making sure no leaves are under water
  • If necessary use “wedging” such as plastic wrap or transparent floral tape to inconspicuously prop your stem to show it at an attractive angle
  • Fill out an entry card (contact me, or pick one up Friday morning). You’ll need to know both the common and scientific names of your entries (ask other members for help if you don’t know the scientific names of your plants, or consult a reference book or web site)
  • Drop off your exhibit on Friday, June 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 am at the Eugene Garden Club building, 1645 High St, Eugene. (You’ll also need to pick up your entry Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.)

If you have questions please send me an email at cdkim719 at

* Starting this year, the District Flower Shows will be happening bi-annually, only in even numbered years. The next Flower Show will be in 2014.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saving Seeds: June's Program

Learn how to save seeds.
Those interested in learning more about saving seeds are encouraged to attend  Garden Club this Tuesday (June 5th). This month's program features John Hogan, a self-trained botanist who has professionally raised seeds for Seeds of Change (a world renowned company specializing in the preservation of heirloom seed varieties) and who is an experienced organic farmer.

John will share his extensive wisdom and knowledge about how to select and pick seeds off of plants, how to store them, how to germinate them, and how to share them.

We welcome visitors and guest to all meetings (starting at 6pm) and our free programs (starting at 7pm).

Join us at the First Presbyterian Church on Adams and 3rd Street.