
Monday, May 23, 2011

Keep Color in Your Garden

We are looking forward to our June program!

On Tuesday, June 7 we will celebrate the beginning of summer as Diana Learner joins us to talk about "Keeping Color on Our Garden." Diana will tell us how to get the most "color bang" for our buck using both annuals and perennials.

A video of Diana talking with Shelley Kurtz of KVAL news is below to whet your appetite.

Diana's talk starts at 6:00pm and the meeting begins at 7:00. Join us at the First Presbyterian Church, 216 S. 3rd Street in Cottage Grove. There will be light refreshments and door prizes!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Inaugural Garden Hop

On a lovely, sunny spring afternoon (May 12, 2011 to be exact) several members of the Garden Club enjoyed our first Garden Hop. The Hop began at the Tarantola Garden, a private garden in Goshen. Our host Inga showed us around the 4 acre property, of which about half was planned garden area. The gravel paths wound through shaded garden areas and around a sunny pond.

After our guided stroll with Inga we headed over to River Bend Farm just off Highway 58. Owner Annette Pershern gave a brief tour of the orchard and talked about the life of a modern day family farmer.

It was a rare, sunny afternoon and it was delightful to spend it with the company of fellow gardeners and farmers.